Ok so this is chase playin softball for home depot!!!

This is a yummy cheese pizza my dad made for us but
on the top inside of the box he put " olive you" for my mom!
How cute!!!

This is my cute puppy!!!! Jurnee, she is so fun i love her,
she is actually a really good yorkie pup and i have her potty
trained (but she still has accidents every once in a while, BUT
who doesnt!! right! hahah) and she will sit whenever someone says
sit because she thinks that means treat, and now im teaching her to roll
over! good luck right!

so riley just really likes to eat candles and no cake...
but i dunno that that candle does look pretty good.....
happy birthday riley ( on the 24 of june )

my mom was so excited to use her now oven, and its
really cool because it has 6 burners, and a big oven and a small one
and then a griddle in the middle, for our yummy pancakes!