My sweet P is 6 months old! Wow does time fly or what.
She hasn't been to the Dr. for her 6 month app. yet because im way busy this week so it will wait until next week.
She is so fun and she changes sooooo fast here are a few things she likes to do.
Chew on her fingers, bottle, pacifier,blankets you name it
She has 2 teeth! And she handled teething really good!
She can now push her belly all the way off the ground for about 15 seconds, then she goes to try and move her legs and she falls back down on her belly. She will be crawling in no time....dunno if thats a good thing or not :)
She still loves her bananas
She loves to crinkle up paper and she will play with it forever!
She loves pizza crust, and she gets SOOOO mad when you have to take it away from her
She loves to drink from a glass( and her little teeth hit the glass and it makes a cute noise haha so cute)
She hates it when i sit her down and walk away, she will cry cry cry cry cry until i go and get her( mommy's girl )
She sits up on her own pretty good, sometimes she will fall over still
She peeks, like if she wants to see something that is on the other side of you when you are holding her she will peek around you....its so cute
She sleeps like a pro from 9 to 9!
She has the cutest dimples and smile and laugh ever! I cant get enough of them.
She love to smother you with her face, she will grab your hair (ouch) and pull you close you her face and just kiss you and rub her face allllllll over yours its my fav.
she is ticklish bad!!!!
She loves her mommy and is definitely a mommys girl.