Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I cut all my hair off... and donated it ... 15 inches pictures will be up soon


Alexa Mae said...

i saw a picture!! its so cute! i think it makes you look older, and wiser too. haha i didnt know you donated it though. thats awesome!! ive always wanted to do that. by the way, im working on the Tag. keep and eye out.

Sasha said...

where the hell is the picture lol

Sierra said...

I can't wait to see your hair! Thanks for the comment... no one else seems to understand the dilemma. The only thing I can say is you don't know how hard it is until you go through it. I haven't eaten a full meal since he told us. I am still sick about it... thanks for understanding :-)

Alyssa said...

Oh my...you cut your hair!? I bet the new hair cut is way cute, but man your beautiful brown locks...way to donate them!