OH how cute... riley and luke
i hope everyone had a great christmas! we all woke up at about 11 on christmas morning and opened one present each and then we all had to go and shovel and my dad had to plow because we had like a foot of snow and my grandma couldnt make it up to my parents so my brother wend and got her, and the rest of us removed snow and it took like a hour or more. So then when we were done with that we finished opening our gifts and i got a princess book with stickers and stuff in it from my dad. And on the front he put the sticker of the 7 dwarfs. And on the front of my present it said from confused santa.... so i was supposed to figure this out... then i got anther one that said from dislexic santa.... and there was i little toilet and i was like .. what the heck is this supposed to mean.. so my dad helped me out a little and was like dopie....... confused santa.... a poddie dislexic santa? so i thought about it really hard and finally i was like.. I GOT IT!!
I pod die .. and dopie backward is eipod. so i lifted the seat on the toilet and there is was ... a green ipod nano!!! i was so excited.. hahah my dad is so funny!!!!