Wow this month went by way to fast! And i only posted twice this month kinda slacking. Well Preslee will be 3 months on the 2nd and she has changed so much! She giggled for the fist time about 3 weeks ago and not she has giggled 3 times in the last 2 days, she smiles so good and she smiles alll the time, she is a happy baby. She still sleeps 6 hours at night then will get up to eat, then goes right back to sleep and wakes up 4 hours later its pretty nice. She blows bubbles now and talks talks talks, she loves her stuffed animals and will just lay on the bed and talk to them and smile and kick her feet. She also loves her toys the rattle. She grabs things like hair, shirts, blankets her hair and she even tries to hold her bottle, and she rolled over yesterday from belly to back!!!! She is getting so big :) Me and my mom have been trying to catch her giggle on my camera but hasn't happened yet but ill keep trying, and ill get some more new pictures up!