Not a whole lot has been happening in the Rodriguez house lately
We went from being bundled up (even in our house) because of the freezing cold ( -20 degrees at night -15 in the morning) yikes! To only having to wear a hoodie ( 35 degrees) BRING ON SPRING pretty please :)
Little miss has started to walk.. well she has been able to walk for a while but she never really wanted to, she would much rather crawl because it was faster. But about 2 weeks ago she just started to walk everywhere and all the time so she is officially walking now, and i couldnt be happier! No more dirty knees and hands, and the bottom of her socks will be dirty not and not the tops :)
She is so smart! She has started to say a few new words- cheese, all done, thank you and papa. She also can point out nose, eye, ear, mouth, hair, knees, toes, fingers, belly button, bum, shoulders. She loves puppies and whenever she sees one like in a book or tv she says OHHHHHhhhhhh hahah its my favorite. She loves to play with her mega blocks and she loves to open bottles and put lids on oh and off and she still loves books and taking baths
we ask her what a cow says and she says MOooooo, Dog- wooff wooff
Yesterday at church she started to say bye bye to everyone and then she got off the bench and was ready to leave. Even though there was still 20 min left :)

On Saturday, me and Pres had a mommy daughter day ....oh wait we do that everyday! She is my little buddy and even though its hard to shop with her sometimes because she is so busy and sometimes gets a little cranky I take her with me anyways. We went down to toys R us and oh my heck she was in heaven! She says (well at least i think this is what she is saying) THAT that that and she points at whatever it is she wants and if you hand her something that isn't the "that" she was talking about she will push it away or shaker her head NO and keep saying it until you get it right. Sooooo as you can imagine she was saying THAT a lot! We ended up getting that baby you see in the picture (she needed a smaller one) and we got a few books, some treats because we were so hungry! and some bath stuff...i could of went crazy in there and bought soooo much but i didnt let myself ( thank goodness) Then we went to costa vida MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm my favorite. After out bellies were full and we were happy we went to down east outfitters - note to self- remember your stroller for that store- long story short we ended up leaving after being in there for 15 min she was all over the place and she was starting to get reallly tiered and cranky so well we left and went home...and she crashed right with we left the parking lot. It was a fun day with my little bud.

Superbowl- well we had a lot of food and all i was really excited for was commercials and the half time show. I didnt have a team that i wanted to win so i wasnt all the interested. (but when i use to play NFL blitz i would always be greenbay so i was leaning towards them to win i guess) Me and Preslee went to bed at 8:40!!!! WHAT THAT NEVER HAPPENS either she is not tired yet or im not tired, but we were both wiped out!
Well happy monday everyone!