This is our cute dog libbyloo! she is the best dog
in the world. And we can make her do this bark/howl
thing. We just have to go libby listen... and she like
perks all up and listens and then we say wheres
..... ex: chase and she looks around and then lets out this
bowwwww like a hound dog almost, and then she goes
and finds chase or who ever you say. But i must say
she has a addiction problem.... she loves her toys!
She carries them around everywhere... she even carries
it outside with her. And she sleeps with it and sometimes
wont eat because she wont let her toy leave her site!
So we have solved this problem, we hide the toys.
But..... sad to say that still doesnt work, she just looks at
where they are ( ex. in the desk, in a closet, on top of things,
under things.. ect...) So they she had withdrawals and barks
scratches and tries to open things and dig, and climb! poor libby
but we did finally get her mind off of them. And she only
likes squeaky toys. And... she knows when grandma comes.....
she will get her toys and then we start all over again with her
SNOW!!!!!!!! let me just say up here in the valley
we got a LOT of snow!!!! 30 inches give or take 2 inches
hahah... and me and my mom had to drive
the bus in this mess!!! NO SNOW DAYS in the
valley i guess! But these pictures just show like a foot
of snow or so, not sure how much there was.
FUNNY FACES: staring Luke and Jake.
Ok so the other night i went into Lukes
room and he was like take pictures of me
and Jake shaking our heads. ( he likes this
if you cant tell i have a few other post
with this shaking of the head thing) but anyways
i did and this is what we got!
GAME FACES: Riley,Chase an Luke playing halo.
its so funny to watched peoples faces when they
play games, and get into them. My husband and
brothers and our adopted brother Jake are so funny
to watch i love it! Riley is probably the best to watch
he gets really into it, and this picture doesn't show it as
well as i would like but its the best i could do with out him
looking at me and noticing me. Chase likes to stick his tongue
out and sometimes his eyes get all big and surprised looking.
Luke is probably the most normal one, occasionally he does
something funny. And Jake ( no pic) he is funny because
he turns his head and looks out of the corner of his eye!
sorry this was such a long post.... but i had alot of stuff
to write about!
Your family is so much fun! They make me laugh :-)
hahah i love the ones of them shaking there heads! it gets me everytime!
I Love the shaking heads!! That is great. You can also tell that there are some serious game playing going on!! BUT what I think I saw in the pics of Libby was a rail on your stairs?!! Is that true or am I seeing things?
NEVER apologize for long posts cause i never want yours to end. when i read them i feel like im right there in utah with you, along with all those amazing childhood memories. i love your pictures! you are the best!
That is some crazy snow! Are you driving bus now too?
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